> The Project
> Organisation of the Work
Organisation of the Work
NETWAT is organized in three connected scientific workpackages, led or co-led by Steadysun to ensure that NETWAT research will address both cognitive challenges and industrial innovations.
WP1, led by S. Anquetin (IGE) is dedicated to the project coordination & communication
WP2 Improving our understanding in West African dust deposition
Lead : B. Marticorena (LISA, PI) – W. Mahmoud (Steadysun, Co-PI)
WP3 Building reliable decision-making tools to manage power grids
Lead : G. Tremoy (Steadysun, PI) – S. Anquetin (IGE, Co-PI)
WP4 Identifying low-costs and sustainable maintenance
Lead : B. Hingray (IGE - PI) – P. Besson (Steadysun - co-PI)

Updated on 27 janvier 2023