The Consortium
NETWAT partnership brings together academic (IGE and LISA) and industrial (Steadysun) expertise. Acquired in a fully inter and transdisciplinary scientific approach, the expected results will respond to both cognitive issues and operational needs for both Steadysun, as the industrial partner, and the African stakeholders. Since the industrial partner is a full member of the consortium, the developments will be directly integrated into their operational tools. The three partners share the same approach of integrated research partnership with Africa.
IGE is recognized for its contribution on the West African water cycle and its associated climate variability. It leads the SNO AMMA-Catch which produces long term time series of meteorological variables including radiation inputs and atmospheric turbulent parameters. It also co-leads the International Joint Laboratory NEXUS.
LISA is involved since decades on the investigation of the mineral dust cycle (emission-transport- deposition) and of its physico-chemical properties, based on a combination of experimental approaches (in- situ and in the lab) and numerical modelling (dust emission model ; 3D modelling). It co-leads the International Network SNO INDAAF dedicated to the monitoring of the atmospheric deposition and composition in Africa.
Steadysun (SME) is a leading solar production forecasting provider. It is a spin-off from the CEA (The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) and INES (the French National Solar Energy Institute) laboratories and was created in 2013. Steadysun’ solutions are designed to anticipate the solar energy injection into the electrical networks (transmission and distribution), to reduce power plant operation costs, optimize portfolio asset management which includes solar resources and, at the end, to allow an efficient integration of the solar energy in the grids.
Updated on 27 janvier 2023