The Project


Solar energy plays an increasing role in Africa to meet the Paris Agreement. But, a massive deployment of variable renewable energy creates a new form of vulnerability associated with unsecured supply. Thus, a sustainable energy transition is not only a question of the amount of infrastructure or installed power capacity ; it is about empowering the whole energy value-chain, from decision-makers to beneficiaries, to plan the resource and manage the infrastructure in an optimal way.

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Organisation of the Work

NETWAT is organized in three connected scientific workpackages, led or co-led by Steadysun to ensure that NETWAT research will address both cognitive challenges and industrial innovations.
WP1, led by S. Anquetin (IGE) is dedicated to the project coordination & communication
WP2 Improving our understanding in West African dust deposition
Lead : B. Marticorena (LISA, PI) – W. Mahmoud (Steadysun, Co-PI)
WP3 Building reliable decision-making tools to manage power grids
Lead : G. (…)

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The Consortium

NETWAT partnership brings together academic (IGE and LISA) and industrial (Steadysun) expertise. Acquired in a fully inter and transdisciplinary scientific approach, the expected results will respond to both cognitive issues and operational needs for both Steadysun, as the industrial partner, and the African stakeholders. Since the industrial partner is a full member of the consortium, the developments will be directly integrated into their operational tools. The three partners share the (…)

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IGE Muguette ALLEGRE, Engineer Gilles BERGAMETTI, Senior Scientist CNRS Christel BOUET, Researcher IRD Anais FERON, Engineer UPD Cécile GAIMOZ, Research EngineerUPEC Béatrice Marticorena, Senior Scientist CNRS, PI SNO INDAAF Pierre BESSON, Engineer, PhD PV system, up to June 2023 Elena ESCUDERO-RAMOS, Engineer, since June 2023 Wajih MAHMOUD, Engineer Théo MASSON, Engineer, PhD Remote sensing Damien RAYNAUD, Engineer, PhD Meteorology Emmanuelle SALOU, Forecast Engineer, up to October 2023 (…)

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Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE)
Member of HMCIS Team (Hydrometeorology, Climate and Interactions with Societies)
UGA, CS 40 700, 38058 Grenoble cedex 9
Tel : +33 (0)438 38 82 25
sandrine.anquetin at

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NETWAT (ANR-22-CE03-0011) est financé par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), via l’AAPG 2022, Comité d’évaluation "Sciences de la Durabilité".
NETWAT est labélisé par le Pôle de compétitivité de la transition énergétique TENERRDIS.

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