

  • Banigo, A., B. Hingray, L. Crochemore, B. Marticorena, PV Production in West Africa : impact of dust and water footpri of cleaning operations, ERCA school, Poster
  • Solbès, A., Prediction of the solar irradiance for solar energy management in West Africa, ERCA school, Poster


  • Anquetin, S., L. Clauzel, D. Danson, A. Diedhiou, B. Hingray, A. Kobéa, K. Kouadio, C. Lavaysse, L. Renou, Vers le développement de l’énergie photovoltaïque durable en Afrique de l’Ouest, Journée Scientifique du LMI NEXUS, Abidjan, 10 décembre
  • Clauzel, L., S. Anquetin, C. Lavaysse, G. Siour, G. Bergametti, B. Marticorena, C. Bouet, R. Lapere, J. Thomas, West African dust load modeling and its impact on solar radiation forecast during the dry season, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024.
  • Anquetin, S., Clauzel, L., Lavaysse, C., Tremoy, G., and Raynaud, D. : West African operational daily solar forecast errors and their links with meteorological conditions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5042,
  • Anquetin A., L. Clauzel, L. Crochemore, D. Danso, A. Diedhiou, B. Hingray, A. Kobéa, K. Kouadio, B. Kouassi, C. Lavaysse, B. Marticorena, D. Raynaud, G. Tremoy, Vers le développement de services climatiques pour l’énergie en Afrique de l’Ouest. Enjeux sur la modélisation météorologique et climatique, Atelier de modélisation de l’Atmosphère, 15-17 janvier, Toulouse, France


  • Chamarande, T., Mathy, S., Hingray, B. 2023. The least cost design of 100% solar power microgrids in Africa : sensitivity to meteorological and economic drivers and possibility for simple pre-sizing rules. Energy for Sustainable Development. ICEM2023 – 7th conference on Energy Meteorology “Toward Climate Resilient Energy Systems”. Padova, Italy
  • Kondi Akara, G., Hingray, B., François, B., Diedhiou, A. 2023. Recent trends of urban electricity consumption for cooling in west and central Africa. Energy. ICEM2023 – 7th conference on Energy Meteorology “Toward Climate Resilient Energy Systems”. Padova, Italy
  • Anquetin S., B. Marticorena, G. Tremoy, G. Bergametti, P. Besson, C. Bouet, L. Clauzel, J.-M. Cohard, E. Cosme, L. Corchemore, A. Diedhiou, A. Feron, C. Gaimoz, B. Hingray, C. Lavaysse, W. Mahmoud, F. Maisonneuve, T. Masson, J.-L. Rajot, D. Raynaud, E. Salou, G. Siour, J. Thomas, West African Mineral Dust : a key in the NExus ClimaTe – WATer – Energy, 7th International Conference Energy&Meteorology, Padova 27-29 June.
  • Clauzel L., S. Anquetin, C. Lavaysse, D. Raynaud, G. Tremoy, West African solar forecast errors and their link with meteorological conditions : case study of Zagtouli solar farm (Burkina-Faso), 7th International Conference Energy&Meteorology, Padova 27-29 June.
  • Danso D.K., S. Anquetin, A. Diedhiou, C. Lavaysse, B. Hingray, D. Raynaud, Potential climate change impacts on solar photovoltaic energy in West Africa, 7th International Conference Energy&Meteorology, Padova 27-29 June.

Mis à jour le 7 février 2025